At Pathways School, we recognise that our students achieve to the best of their potential when they engage in a personalised curriculum tailored to meet their individual needs.
The Pathway2Independence (P2I) curriculum that we use was developed by ABA specialists and teachers for ABA schools and offers each learner a flexible and tailored set of targets that are aligned with the Independent School Standards (ISS) curriculum areas (Literacy, Maths, Science, Arts, Technology, Humanities, P.E, and PSHE).
P2I is also mapped against each pupil’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and Behaviour Support Plan (BSP). Both are informed by the student’s Education Health and Care Plan which contains the required elements of longer-term planning.
Depending on the ability of individuals, progress through P2I can lead to ASDAN and AQA Award Unit Certificates as well as Foundation GCSEs.
Physical Education is a critical part of the curriculum at Pathways. The school offers physical activity/sports sessions throughout the week. These sessions are delivered using PBS support strategies to optimise participation and learning.
The curriculum and ILP targets are based on initial and ongoing assessments by our Multi-Disciplinary Team of Behaviour Analyst, therapists, teacher and tutors. The team selects the most appropriate range of targets based upon the individual learner’s profile and the outcome of assessments which include: the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised (ABLLS-R), the Verbal Behaviour-Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP), Promoting Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK), Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS), and Essential For Living (EFL).
The emphasis of our teaching is on functional communication, independent living skills and community skills to promote and improved quality of life. ILPs and BSPs are discussed through the year with parents, and progress is reviewed and reported annually and at each student’s EHCP annual review.